Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Pit

THIS IS THE PIT...When Grandpa Carl was visiting, the boys energy was diverted to digging. This was not your typical digging in the dirt.. Oh no...this digging practically went all the way through to China. Okay, maybe not that far but Greyson's head is pretty much flush with the top of the pit. You can see his blonde head bobbing as he walks around. Grandpa Carl also put stairs into the pit to make for greater ease in accessing the pit's space. The pit even had boards put on top of it for a "roof." After Grandma Judy told the boys about her cousin who lived outside in his own dirt "house" because the family house was too crowded, the boys asked me if they could sleep out there too. I actually never heard them ask but once. I think that they may have realized that actually sleeping in the pit might be a little too much. I guess no one else is doing much with the yard and I don't want to be the one to fill in the GINORMOUS hole/pit, so I guess for now the pit will stay. If it's not about getting dirty, it's not about being a boy!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Too bad the pictures don't capture just how filthy but deleriously happy they were. Do they still play in it?

Grandma Hunt