Sunday, October 26, 2008

I wish it were more interesting....

We are not the most interesting group of folks....we live our lives and do our thing which is routinely the same thing week after week. But I realize as I look at family and friend blogs that I DO enjoy reading about all of the regular life stuff. A friend of mine and I were talking and it dawned on me the truth of our conversation. We see each other at church or once in awhile (or in some cases not at all...) and miss all of life's happenings in between the times we cross paths. So...I am glad my friend helped me remember that although we are not the most interesting or even have the most interesting things to share, I enjoy keeping in touch even via "blog" to see how everyone is doing during the week. Thanks.

Wow! It is already that time of year A G A I N!!

Our Ethan....poor guy. Ethan started coughing=time to upscale the inhaler medications and frequency. At 8 months old, Christmas Eve 2001, he was hospitalized with double pneumonia. You wouldn't know it but the guy has had pneumonia at least SIX times in his seven years of life. We were finally referred to a Pediatric Pulmonologist in Oakland. He was tested for Cystic Fibrosis, given a CAT scan, etc.. It was determined that he would need to have a bronchoscopy. He had the procedure done last April where fluid was removed from his air sacs. He has scar tissue in the lung that is commonly infected that eventually develops into pneumonia. Once he starts coughing it seems like we have about one week before the pneumonia develops. Hopefully this year will be different! So, we begin the inhaler regiment. We are determined to our best ability to nip this one in the bud. I think that if he develops pneumonia this year I may just throw up my hands! We have acquired a nebulizer and may have to start those treatments soon. Best of luck to everyone this cold season. May the force be with you NOT to get sick!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I wonder if UC Berkeley would revoke his "Doctoral" status if they knew that he is affiliated with their rival....STANFORD??? Maybe they are just happy to be rid of him...unlikely....they are more likely drooling that Stanford acquired him rather than them....

A M A Z I N G ....It's about time!!!

Meg, sitting here eating a snack, looked deeply into my eyes and said, "MaMa...!!!" WhooHoo!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Columbus Day

I was actually pretty excited that the boys did not have school today. We wound up going to a "new" park, one of my favorite things to do. I had not been to this particular park before it had been remodeled with knights and sea serpent themes. It was a lot of fun and such a beautiful day! I think, though, that the favorite part of all for the kids was walking to the water's edge and throwing massive rocks into the water and no one telling them that they couldn't because there was no one there to get hurt by the enthusiastic rock throwers.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Twilight Saga series

Angie and Jessica were talking about these books at a recent scrapbook enrichment night. I realize why I don't read more....Once I get into a book it is difficult to have to put it down. I literally had to set limits for myself so that I could fulfill my responsibilities as a mom and wife.

I enjoyed reading the series but as I finished the final page of "Breaking Dawn," I put it down and said to myself, "I am glad that there are no more books!"

Twilight New Moon Eclipse Breaking Dawn

There is a link to Stephenie Meyer's website here.  (Okay so I can't figure out how to put it on my page....But the link is
The final trailer to the "Twilight" movie is posted and it is really good.

Blogger Stupification

How do you blog when you can't download photos?! There has been so much that has happened that I can only simply state for now in a numerical order because there has been a lot of complaints about blogging again. I am sorry that there are no photos. When I finally find the digital camera cord, I'll start posting pictures.

1. Jeremy got a job!
2. Jeremy graduated from UC Berkely with a PhD in music composition.
3. We bought a house!
4. Katy came to help us move.
5. Katy painted the inside of our house.
6. We moved.
7. We're unpacking still....
8. Ethan started 2nd grade at a new school.
9. Greyson started preschool.
10. Margaret started scooting and moving more.
11. Margaret is 18 MONTHS OLD!