Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I am a "Man" again today....

One of the amazing things about living in this area is the HUGE diversity of languages and cultures. I've come to expect it. In fact, when I happen to be in an area with a smaller ethnically diverse group, I start to notice.
I walk Ethan to school every morning. Because of the regular walking trek, I have begun to expect to see certain things. House #775 leaving for work; bus #260 at the bus stop; my neighbors car which leaks terribly covered with the newest rain proof goo, tarp, or today clear plastic wrap...There is someone else that I have started to look forward to seeing each morning. I have come to fondly call her "the man woman." Almost every school morning without fail, she and I cross paths going in opposite directions. I try to say good morning to everyone I pass and she is no exception. The only difference is that we see each other almost daily. So as we pass we greet each other with what has become our standard practice, "Good Morning" but my friend the "man woman" adds a little something special. I haven't the nerve to correct her nor do I think that she will actually understand me but she says, "Good Morning, Man" (instead of ma'am)...It makes me smile every morning. So I have become her "man" and she mine. Gotta love it!

1 comment:

Flock of Lambs said...

Nan, you are hilarious! I love it!